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Spring is a library by fractality included in RoStrap that was ported over to Volt. It can be used to create critically damped springs.


Spring damp, double freq, vector pos)#

Create a new spring.

void Spring:SetGoal(vector goal)#

Set a spring's goal.

void Spring:SetFrequency(double freq)#

Set a spring's frequency.

void Spring:SetDampingRatio(double damp)#

Set a spring's damping ratio.

vector Spring:GetPosition()#

Get a spring's position.

vector Spring:GetVelocity()#

Get a spring's velocity.

vector Spring:Update(double dt)#

Call the spring to update by passing in delta time. Recommended use in a Roblox provided loop such as RenderStepped.

void Spring:Reset(vector state)#

Reset a spring to a provided state.