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Tween is a great library as an alternative to Roblox's TweenService.


This example will tween a number from 1 to 1000 over 5 seconds using the Quad EasingStyle and Out EasingDirection, round it down, then set a TextLabel's text to the number.

local Volt = require(game.ReplicatedStorage.Volt)
local Tween = Volt.import('Libraries/Utilities/Tween')

local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer

local screenGUI = script.Parent
local label = screenGUI.TextLabel

local tween =, 1000, 5, Enum.EasingStyle.Quad, Enum.EasingDirection.Out)
    label.Text = tostring(math.floor(value))


Tween initialValue, any goal, number time, EasingStyle style, EasingDirection direction)#

Create a new tween object.

any Tween.Lerp(any a, any b, number alpha)#

Tween a value by providing an alpha. Special Roblox types are supported such as Vector3 and UDim2. Alpha should be between 0 and 1.

void Tween:Start()#

Begin a tween.

void Tween:OnStep(function callback)#

Connect a callback function called every time a tween steps.

void Tween:OnComplete(function callback)#

Connect a callback function called when a tween completes.

void Tween:Wait()#

Yield until a tween completes.

void Tween:Pause()#

Pause a currently running tween.

void Tween:Resume()#

Resume a currently running tween.

void Tween:Finish()#

Force a tween to skip to its goal.